Thermal properties of several porous materials based on TPMSs

Dec 01, 2023 by Porous 3D Team

The coefficients of linear dependence of the effective thermal conductivity of TPMS frames on the relative thickness \( \frac{\delta }{a}\) (where \(\delta\) is the thickness of the cell wall; \(a\) - characteristic size equal to the length of the cube edge for cells with cubic symmetry and equal to the length of the parallelepiped edge for cells with orthotropic symmetry).

In this study, photopolymer resin and SBS plastic were selected as the materials from which the TPMS frame is made. For some topologies that have orthotropic symmetry, the effective thermal conductivity was determined in the direction of the two axes of symmetry.

Porous material Dependence of the effective thermal conductivity $$k_{eff} = C_{1}\frac{\delta }{a} + C_{2}, W/(m\cdot K)$$
Photopolymer resin SBS Plastic
$$C_1$$ $$C_2$$ $$C_1$$ $$C_2$$
MER_X 1,2251 -0,0012 0,366796407 -0,000359281
MER_Z 1,8105 -0,0012 0,542065868 -0,000359281
ATN_X 0,5246 -0,0007 0,157065868 -0,000209581
ATN_Z 1,1552 -0,0004 0,345868263 -0,00011976
BCT_X 0,5883 -0,0001 0,176137725 -0,0000299401
BCT_Z 1,3055 0,00007 0,390868263 0,0000209581
SAS_X 0,9256 -0,002 0,277125749 -0,000598802
SAS_Z 1,9036 0,0034 0,56994012 0,001017964
RHO 1,6818 -0,004 0,503532934 -0,001197605
LTA 0,8185 -0,0016 0,24505988 -0,000479042
JSW_X 0,958 0,0012 0,286826347 0,000359281
JSW_Z 1,5392 -0,0009 0,460838323 -0,000269461
TSC_1 1,9342 -0,0017 0,564231135 -0,000523612
NPT_1 1,6179 -0,0056 1,036536121 -0,006623126